Morning Schedule

Time Program Host
12:00am National Anthem
12:15am Everyday Truth Kurt Skelly
1:00am The Legal Alert David Gibbs/CLA
6:00am Life Issues Brad Mattes/Life Issues Institute
6:05am Trinity Baptist Church Darrell Cox
7:00am The Legal Alert David Gibbs/Christian Law Association
7:05am The Morning Commute Adam Ewing
8:00am Enjoying the Journey Scott Pauley
8:30am Stay the Course Joe Vassak
9:00am Revival Time
9:20am Moments for Missions J.B. Godfrey
9:30am InGrace Jim Scudder Jr.
10:00am Keeping it Young Dave and Bethlie Young
11:00am Scripture Narration

Afternoon & Evening Schedule

Time Program Host
12:00pm National Anthem
12:05pm On the Farm Radio Jeff Ishee
12:15pm Everyday Truth Kurt Skelly
1:00pm The Legal Alert David Gibbs/CLA
2:00pm Prophecy Today Jimmy DeYoung Jr.
3:00pm Answers in Genesis Ken Ham
4:00pm WallBuilders David Barton, Tim Barton, Rick Green
5:00pm Enjoying the Journey Scott Pauley
6:00pm Life Issues Brad Mattes/Life Issues Institute
6:05pm Timeless Gospel Favorites Southern Gospel Music
8:00pm Moments that Motivate Tim Lovelace
9:00pm Daily in the Word Paul Chappell
9:20pm Moments for Missions J.B. Godfrey
9:30pm Rejoice in the Lord Daily Jeff Redlin
11:00pm Scripture Narration Faith Comes by Hearing


Saturday Schedule

Time Program Host
12:00am National Anthem
1:00am Overnight Gospel Music
6:00am Saturday Morning Gospel Music
8:00am Strength For Your Weekend Monthly Guest Hosts
9:00am Patch the Pirate Majesty Music
9:30am Adventures in Odyssey Focus on the Family
10:00am Lamplighter Radio Theatre Lamplighter Ministries
11:00am Scripture Narration
12:00pm On the Farm Weekend Jeff Ishee
12:10pm Praying For You Oliver Araiza
2:00pm Prophecy Today Weekend Jimmy DeYoung Jr.
6:00pm Saturday Evening Gospel Music
9:00pm Unshackled Pacific Garden Mission
10:00pm Prophecy Today Weekend Jimmy DeYoung Jr.
11:00pm Scripture Narration

Sunday Schedule

Time Program Host
12:00am National Anthem
1:00am Overnight Gospel Music
6:00am Sunday Morning Worship Music
8:00am Good News Today Tim Rader
8:30am Light for Your Pathway Gene Sharp
9:00am Bible Truth Byron Foxx
11:00am Pulpit of Grace
12:00pm On the Farm Weekend Jeff Ishee
2:00pm Prophecy Today Weekend Jimmy DeYoung Jr.
3:00pm Sunday Afternoon Gospel Music
8:00pm Good New Today Tim Rader






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